Conference Papers Since 2012

Here is a summary of our published conference papers since 2012. Underlined authors are group members, alumni or past visitors.

(We have 121 more conference papers published before 2012. Click here for details.)

[C55] W.H. Xue, Y.L. Yuan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Enhancing Fog Computing through Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assistance: A Lyapunov Driven Reinforcement Learning Approach”, IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, Montreal, Canada, November 2024.

[C54] X. He, H.L. Wen, Y.F. Zhang, Y.Z. Chen, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Fast Unit Commitment Constraint Screening with Learning-Based Cost Model”, IEEE SmartGridComm, Oslo, Norway, September 2024.

[C53] Y. Cao, H. Nourmohammadi, B. Sun, X.Q. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Conversion under Unknown Horizon: Beating 1 + \ln \theta with a Single Trusted Query”, SIGMETRICS Workshop on Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA), Venice, Italy, June 2024.

[C52] T.X. Liang, S. Gupta, F.C.Y. Chiu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “On the Enhancement of RF-DC Rectification Efficiency Via Bias Voltage”, IEEE WPTCE, Kyoto, Japan, May 2024.

[C51] T.L.Zhou, J. Zhang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Mode Connectivity in Federated Learning with Data Heterogeneity”, ASN Asilomar Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, February 2024.

[C50] J.D. Yu, A.Alhilal, T.L.Zhou, P. Hui, and D.H.K. Tsang, “QoE Optimization for VR Streaming: a Continual RL Framework in Digital Twin-empowered MEC”, IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.

[C49] Y. Cao, S.Y. Yu, X.Q. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Competitive Online Path-Aware Path Selection”, IFIP Performance, Chicago, USA, November 2023.

[C48] Y.H. Mau, D.H.K. Tsang, and K.O. Ng, “Unit Commitment Optimization of Gas-fired Generation at Black Point Power Station Incorporating the Efficiency, Flexibility, Reliability & Cost”, Global Power and Propulsion Society (GPSS), Hong Kong, October 2023.

[C47] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, C. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and R. Murch, “Optimal Antenna Selection and Time Sharing in RF-powered Cognitive Networks with Backscatter Communications”, IEEE VTC, Florence, Italy, June 2023.

[C46] B. Sun, L. Yang, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, J.C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Online Knapsack Problem with Departures”, ACM Sigmetrics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.

[C45]  W.H. Chan, B.S.B. Fung, D.H.K. Tsang, and I.M.C. Lo, “Automating algae classification using deep learning by StyleGAN2-ADA-augmented images of rare freshwater algae”, The 18th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Daegu, South Korea, May 2023.

[C44] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, C. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and R. Murch, “Optimal Antenna Selection and Time Sharing in RF-powered Cognitive Networks with Backscatter Communications”, IEEE VTC, Florence, Italy, June 2023.

[C43] J.D. Yu, Y. Li, X.L. Liu, B. Sun, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy Efficient IRS-Assisted NOMA Aided Mobile Edge Computing via Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning”, IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023.

[C42] B. Sun, L. Yang, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, J.C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Departures”, ACM Sigmetrics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.

[C41] B. Sun, R. Lee, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Pareto-Optimal Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Conversion Problems”, NeurIPS, December 2021.

[C40] B. Sun, A. Zeynali, T.X. Li, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Competitive Algorithms for the Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Application to Electric Vehicle Charging”, ACM Sigmetrics, Beijing, June 2021.

[C39] Y. Cao, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Algorithms for One-Way Trading and Online Knapsack Problems: A Unified Competitive Analysis”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Korea, December 2020.

[C38] B. SunY. Jiang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “When Burstable Instances Meet Mobile Computing: Performance Modeling and Economic Analysis,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Poster, Singapore, December, 2020.

[C37] S. CaoS. WangL. Ni, and D. H. K. Tsang, “Voltage/Var Control using Electric Springs in Distribution Networks,” in Proceedings of IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), The Hague, NL, October, 2020.

[C36] Y. CaoB. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Delay-Aware Scheduling over mmWave/Sub-6 Dual Interfaces: A Reinforcement Learning Approach,” accepted in Workshop on 5G LTE and Intelligent Communications, IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Ireland, June, 2020.

[C35] B. Sun, T. Li, S.H. Low, and D.H.K. Tsang, “ORC: An Online Competitive Algorithm for Recommendation and Charging Schedule in Electric Vehicle Charging Network,” in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Melbourne, Australia, June 2020.

[C34] X. TanB. Sun, A. Leon-Garcia, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Mechanism Design for Online Resource Allocation: A Unified Approach,” in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM Sigmetrics), Boston, USA, June, 2020.

[C33]  L. LiuB. SunY. Wu, and D. H. K. Tsang, “Latency Minimization for Computation Offloading with Hybrid Multiple Access Methods,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Big Island, Hawaii, USA, February, 2020.

[C32] X. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Posted Prices for Online Resource Allocation with Supply Costs and Capacity Limits”, ACM Sigmetric Workshop on MAMA, Phoenix, June 2019.

[C31]  X. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “A Novel Online Mechanism for Demand-Side Flexibility Management under Arbitrary Arrivals“,  in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Phoenix, USA, June 2019.

[C30]  L. Liu, B. Sun, X. Tan, Y. S. Xiao, and D. H. K. Tsang, “Energy-efficient resource allocation and channel assignment for NOMA-based mobile edge computing,” in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Marrakech, Morocco, April 2019.

[C29]  Y. Xiao and D.H.K. Tsang, “Interference Alignment Beamforming and Power Allocation for Cognitive MIMO-NOMA Downlink Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communication Network Conference (WCNC), Marrakech, Morocco, April 2019.

[C28] Y. Jiang, M. Shahrad, D. Wentzlaff, D.H.K. Tsang, and C. Joe-Wong, “Burstable Instances for Clouds: Performance Modeling, Equilibrium Analysis, and Revenue Maximization“, in Proceedings of the 38th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Paris, France, April 2019.

[C27] L. Ni, B. Sun, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Price-based Vehicle-to-Station Recommendations for EV Battery Swapping”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, Control, and Computing Technologies for Smart Grids (SmartGridComm), Aalborg, Denmark, October 2018.

[C26] A. Zhang, B. Sun, T. Liu, X. Tan, S. Wang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Joint Voltage and Frequency Regulation by EV Charging Scheduling in the Distribution Network”, in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE PES Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technology (ISGT 2018), Washington, DC, USA, February 2018.

[C25] S. Wang, B. Sun, T. Liu, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Real-time Market-based Coordination Mechanism for Transmission and Distribution Networks”, in Proceedings of the 8th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm), Dresden, Germany, October 2017.

[C24] T. Liu, B. Sun, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Market for Multi-Dimensional Flexibility with Parametric Demand Response Bidding”, in Proceedings of the 49th North American Power Symposium, Morgantown, WV, USA, September 2017.

[C23] B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Performance Analysis of Dynamic Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles: A Queueing Approach”, in Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Hong Kong, May 2017.

[C22] Z. Huang, B. Balasubramanian, M. Wang, T. Lan, M. Chiang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “RUSH: A RobUst ScHeduler to Manage Uncertain Completion-Times in Shared Clouds“, in Proceedings of the 36th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), Nara, Japan, June 2016.

[C21] K. Zhang, Y. Mao, S. Leng, Y. Zhang, S. Gjessing, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Platoon-based Electric Vechicles Charging with Renewable Energy Supply: A Queueing Analytical Model”, in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Kuala Lumpur, May 2016.

[C20] S. Agheb, X. Tan, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Robust Provisioning of Demand-Side Flexibility Under Electricity Price Uncertainty”, in Proceedings of 2016 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Taiwan, March 2016.

[C19] N. Omidvar, A. Liu, V.K.N. Lau, F. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and M.R. Pakravan, “Two-Timescale Radio Resource Management for Heterogeneous Networks with Flexible Backhaul”, in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, December 2015.

[C18] T. Liu, X. Tan, B. Sun, Y. Wu, X. Guan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy Management of Cooperative Microgrids with P2P Energy Sharing in Distribution Networks”, in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2015), November 2015.

[C17] W. Li, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Smart Home Energy Management Systems Based on Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring”, in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2015), November 2015.

[C16] S. Agheb, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Model Predictive Control of Integrated Room Automation Considering Occupants Preference”, in Proceedings of the 6th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2015), November 2015.

[C15] N. Omidvar, A. Liu, V.K.N. Lau, F. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and M.R. Pakravan, “Two-Timescale QoS-Aware Cross-Layer Optimisation for HetNets with Flexible Backhaul”, in Proceedings of IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, August 2015.

[C14] X. Tan, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “A Monotonic Optimization based Optimal Discrete Charging Protocol for Electric Vehicles with Multilevel Charging Rates”, [invited paper], the 27th Chinese Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), Qingdao, China, May 2015.

[C13] Z. Huang, B. Balasubramanian, M. Wang, T. Lan, M. Chiang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Need for Speed: CORA Scheduler for Optimizing Completion-Times in the Cloud”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Hong Kong, April 2015.

[C12] Y. Wu, X. Tan, L. Qian, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Management of Local Energy Trading in Future Smart Microgrid via Pricing“, IEEE INFOCOM Workshop, Smart Data Pricing, April 2015.

[C11] Y. Jiang, Z. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Do You Feel the Lag of Your Hadoop?“, in Proceedings of the 1st IEEE International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and Applications (BigDataService), Redwood City, CA, March 2015.

[C10] X. Tan, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Queueing Network Models for EV Charging Station with Battery Swapping“, in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2014), Nov. 2014.

[C9] X. Tan, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Energy Trading with Battery Energy Storage under Dynamic Pricing“, in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2014), Nov. 2014.

[C8] B. Sun, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Charging Operation of Battery Swapping Stations with QoS Guarantee“, in Proceedings of the 5th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2014), Nov. 2014.

[C7] S. Niafar, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Optimal User Scheduling for LTE-A Downlink with Heterogeneous Traffic Types“, [invited paper], in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine 2014), Rhodes, Greece, 2014.

[C6] Y. Wu, X. Sun, X. Tan, L. Meng, L. Yu, W. Song, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Cooperative Distributed Energy Generation and Energy Trading for Future Smart Grid”, China Control Conference, Nanjing, China, July 2014.

[C5] L. Chen, S. Hu, K. Chen, H. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Towards Minimal-Delay Deadline-Driven Data Center TCP“, in the Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets), November 2013.

[C4] X. Tan, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Economic Analysis of Lifetime-Constrained Battery Storage under Dynamic Pricing“, in Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Smart Grid Communications (IEEE SmartGridComm 2013), Oct. 2013.

[C3] L. Chen, T. Zhang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Salt: Sensing Enabled Localization and Tracking for Geolocation Database in TV White Space“, in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), July 2013.

[C2] Z. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, J. She, “A virtual machine consolidation framework for MapReduce enabled computing clouds“, in Proceedings of the 24th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 24), 2012, pp.1-8, 4-7 September 2012

[C1] Z. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “SLA guaranteed virtual machine consolidation for computing clouds“, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 2012, pp.1314-1319, 10-15 June 2012

The page was last modified on July 30, 2024.