(>>for a full publication list of our group in chronological order, click here for journal papers and here for conference papers)
Underlined authors are group members, alumni or past visitors.
[22] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, D.H.K. Tsang, R.K. Mallik, and R. D. Murch, “An Efficient Ratio Detector for Ambient Backscatter Communications”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 23, Issue 6, pp. 5908-5921, June 2024.
[21] W.H. Xu, J.D. Yu, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Joint Channel Estimation and Reinforcement-based Resource Allocation of Intelligent Reflecting Surface-aided Multicell Mobile Edge Computing”, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 11, Issue 7, pp. 11862-11875, April 2024.
[20] J.D. Yu, A.Alhilal, T.L. Zhou, P. Hui, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Attention-based QoE-aware Digital Twin Empowered Edge Computing for Immersive Virtual Reality”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, accepted for publication, March 2024.
[19] W.H. Xu, J.D. Yu, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Energy-Latency Aware Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Multi-cell Mobile Edge Computing”, IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 362-374, March 2024.
[18] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, D.H.K. Tsang, and R. D. Murch, “MIMO Ambient Backscatter Communications: Capacity Maximization and Beamforming Optimization”, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 72, No. 12, pp. 15829-15843, December 2023.
[17] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, C. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and R. Murch, “Optimal Antenna Selection and Time Sharing in RF-powered Cognitive Networks with Backscatter Communications”, IEEE VTC, Florence, Italy, June 2023.
[16] X.L. Liu, J.D. Yu, Y.W. Liu, Y. Gao, T. Mahmoodi, S. Lambotharan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Distributed Intelligence in Wireless Networks”, IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, accepted for publication, March 2023.
[15] W.J. Liu, S.P. Shen, D.H.K. Tsang, R. D. Murch, “Enhancing Ambient Backscatter Communication Utilizing Coherent and Non-Coherent Space-Time Codes”, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 20, Issue 10, pp.6884-6897, October 2021.
[14] B. Sun, Y. Jiang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “When Burstable Instances Meet Mobile Computing: Performance Modeling and Economic Analysis,” in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE ICDCS), Singapore, December, 2020.
[13] Y. Cao, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Delay-Aware Scheduling over mmWave/Sub-6 Dual Interfaces: A Reinforcement Learning Approach,” accepted in Workshop on 5G LTE and Intelligent Communications, IEEE International Conference on Communications (IEEE ICC), Ireland, June, 2020.
[12] L. Liu, B. Sun, Y. Wu, and D. H. K. Tsang, “Latency Minimization for Computation Offloading with Hybrid Multiple Access Methods,” in Proceedings of International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), Big Island, Hawaii, USA, February, 2020.
[11] L. Qian, B. Shi, Y. Wu, B. Sun and D.H.K. Tsang, “NOMA-Enabled Mobile Edge Computing for Internet of Things via Joint Communication and Computation Resource Allocations,” IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 718-733, January 2020.
[10] L. Liu, B. Sun, X. Tan, Y. S. Xiao, and D. H. K. Tsang, “Energy-efficient resource allocation and channel assignment for NOMA-based mobile edge computing,” in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Marrakech, Morocco, April 2019.
[9] Y. Xiao and D.H.K. Tsang, “Interference Alignment Beamforming and Power Allocation for Cognitive MIMO-NOMA Downlink Networks,” in Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communication Network Conference (WCNC), Marrakech, Morocco, April 2019.
[8] S. Niafar, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Downlink Scheduling for Heterogeneous Traffic in LTE-A Based on MDP and Chance-Constrained Approaches“, ACM Springer Mobile Networks and Applications (MONET) Journal, Vol. 21, No. 3, 390-401, June 2016.
[7] N. Omidvar, A. Liu, V.K.N. Lau, F. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and M.R. Pakravan, “Two-Timescale Radio Resource Management for Heterogeneous Networks with Flexible Backhaul”, in Proceedings of the 26th IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), San Diego, December 2015.
[6] Y. Wu, Q. Zhu, J. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Revenue Sharing based Resource Allocation for Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), Vol. 32, No. 11, pp. 2280-2296, November 2014.
[5] N. Omidvar, A. Liu, V.K.N. Lau, F. Zhang, D.H.K. Tsang, and M.R. Pakravan, “Two-Timescale QoS-Aware Cross-Layer Optimisation for HetNets with Flexible Backhaul”, in Proceedings of IEEE 26th International Symposium on Personal Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC), Hong Kong, August 2015.
[4] T. Zhang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Cooperative Sensing Scheduling for Energy-Efficient Cognitive Radio Networks“, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol.64, no.6, pp.2648-2662, August 2014.
[3] S. Niafar, X. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Optimal User Scheduling for LTE-A Downlink with Heterogeneous Traffic Types“, [invited paper], in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality, Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine 2014), Rhodes, Greece, August 2014.
[2] S. Niafar, Z. Huang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “An Optimal Standard-Compliant MIMO Scheduler for LTE Downlink“, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol.13, no.5, pp.2412-2421, May 2014.
[1] L. Chen, T. Zhang, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Salt: Sensing Enabled Localization and Tracking for Geolocation Database in TV White Space“, in Proceedings of the 9th IEEE International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC), July 2013.
The page was last modified on July 5, 2024.