(>>for a full publication list of our group in chronological order, click here for journal papers and here for conference papers)
Underlined authors are group members, alumni or past visitors.
[13] Y. Cao, H. Nourmohammadi, B. Sun, X.Q. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Conversion under Unknown Horizon: Beating 1 + \ln \theta with a Single Trusted Query”, SIGMETRICS Workshop on Learning-augmented Algorithms: Theory and Applications (LATA), Venice, Italy, June 2024.
[12] W.T. Ma, Y. Cao, D.H.K. Tsang, and D. Xia, “Optimal Regularized Online Allocation by Adaptive Re-solving”, Operation Research, accepted for publication, March 2024.
[11] Y. Cao, S.Y. Yu, X.Q. Tan, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Competitive Online Path-Aware Path Selection”, IFIP Performance, Chicago, USA, November 2023.
[10] B. Sun, L. Yang, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, J.C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Departures”, ACM Sigmetrics, Orlando, FL, June 2023.
[9] Y. Cao, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Network Utility Maximization: Algorithm, Competitive Analysis, and Applications”, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 274-284, March 2023.
[8] B. Sun, L. Yang, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, J.C.S. Lui, D. Towsley, and D.H.K. Tsang, “The Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Departures”, Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, Article 57, December 2022.
[7] B. Sun, R. Lee, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Pareto-Optimal Learning-Augmented Algorithms for Online Conversion Problems”, NeurIPS, December 2021.
[6] B. Sun, A. Zeynali, T.X. Li, M. Hajiesmali, A. Wierman, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Competitive Algorithms for the Online Multiple Knapsack Problem with Application to Electric Vehicle Charging”, ACM Sigmetrics, Beijing, June 2021.
[5] Y. Cao, B. Sun, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Optimal Algorithms for One-Way Trading and Online Knapsack Problems: A Unified Competitive Analysis”, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Jeju Island, Korea, December 2020.
[4] B. Sun, T. Li, S.H. Low, and D.H.K. Tsang, “ORC: An Online Competitive Algorithm for Recommendation and Charging Schedule in Electric Vehicle Charging Network,” in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Future Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy), Melbourne, Australia, June 2020.
[3] X.Q. Tan, B. Sun, A. Leon-Garcia, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Mechanism Design for Online Resource Allocation: A Unified Approach,” in Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (ACM Sigmetrics), Boston, USA, June, 2020.
[2] X.Q. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Online Combinatorial Auctions for Resource Allocation with Supply Costs and Capacity Limits”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special Issue on Smart Data Pricing for Next Generation Networks, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 655-668, April 2020.
[1] X.Q. Tan, A. Leon-Garcia, Y. Wu, and D.H.K. Tsang, “Posted-Price Retailing of Transactive Energy: An Optimal Online Mechanism without Prediction”, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC) Special Issue on Communications and Data Analytics in Smart Grid, Vol. 38, Issue 1, pp. 5-16, January 2020.
The page was last modified on July 5, 2024.